Villisca Axe Murder House

On a quiet residential street in this small town sits an old white frame house. On a dark evening, the absence of lights and sounds are the first indication to visitors that this house is different from the other homes that surround it. Upon closer inspection, you’ll notice the doors and windows are tightly closed and covered. An outhouse in the backyard suggests that this house does not occupy a place in the 21st century but somehow belongs in another era or another story. A weather-beaten sign warns rather than welcomes. This is the “Murder House”. Visits by paranormal investigators have provided audio, video and photographic proof of paranormal activity. Tours have been cut short by children’s voices, falling lamps, moving ladders and flying objects. Psychics have confirmed the presence of spirits dwelling in the home and many have actually communicated with them, and skeptics have left believers. Both daytime and overnight tours are available. For more information, click here.

Spook Cave Campground

Located just west of McGregor, lies the Spook Cave Campground. This scenic campground has been providing cave tours since 1955, and remains a popular destination for tourists today. The campground has 95 sites, 90 of which have electric, water, and sewer hookups, and each site is furnished with a picnic table and fire ring. This unique campground also rents some of the most charming cabins in the entire state. Whether your looking for a little Adventure, or just a relaxing weekend away, Spook Cave Campground has exactly what your looking for. For more information, click here.

Field Of Dreams

We have all seen the movie, and we all know the story.  In the summer of 1989, ghosts of famous baseball players showed up in Iowa to play one last game. This now famous site is open to the public. Plan your visit to the Fields of Dreams movie site and see this historic location for yourself. There are two different tours available, the overnight Kinsella Experience or the farmhouse tour.  For more information, click here.

Oakland Cemetery

The Black Angel monument has cast an eerie presence over the once quite cemetery. This dark monument has fueled stories and legends all over Iowa. Soon, the angel attracted the attention of ghost seekers and kids looking for a cheap thrill. Legends and lore started popping up everywhere—touch or kiss the statue and you’ll be struck dead. Head north on Governor Street in Iowa City. Turn right at Brown Street and proceed east into the Oakland Cemetery. Follow the road, sticking mostly to the right, as she will appear about halfway back in the cemetery under a street lamp. For your own safety, DO NOT KISS THE BLACK ANGEL! For more information, click here.

Stony Hallow Road

Stony Hollow Road in Burlington, Iowa has been named one of the scariest/haunted roads in all of Iowa. Legend has it that a woman by the name of Lucinda committed suicide off of a cliff nearby after learning that her husband had left her. The cliff was nearby this gravel road which has led to many stories of hauntings. In fact locals avoid this road at all costs! You see the lore goes that if you are on the road and say Lucinda’s name three times, then her ghost will appear at the top of the cliff. For more information, click here.