On this trail, you walk alongside more waterfalls, cascades, and rapids than on any other Yellowstone day hike! The hike takes place in a remote part of Yellowstone National Park, all the way down in the southwest corner, not too far from the Bechler Ranger Station, where law enforcement rangers patrol on horseback rather than in SUVs! This epic hike begins and ends at 530 Targhee Pass Hwy, in West Yellowstone, Montana. For more information or to book this activity, click here.

We’ll drive through eastern Idaho to Cave Falls, on the Fall River, where we will park and take a stroll to the bottom of Yellowstone’s widest waterfall, before taking a trail alongside the Fall River towards Bechler Falls. The scenery is really stunning as we make our way to the confluence of the Fall and Bechler Rivers before cutting inland and climbing up an incline through a forest for a while. We’ll pick up the Bechler River again and continue to Bechler Falls. After exploring and admiring the views, we’ll return along the same trail. We’ll enjoy a sack lunch along the way or back at Cave Falls. This trip takes about 5 to 6 hours and costs $495.00.

Pickups take place at all hotels and Airbnbs in West Yellowstone. Please wait outside for a vehicle with USA Park Tours on the sides. If it is too cold to be outside, please wait somewhere inside where you can see our vehicle pull up. Guests can also meet us at our offices in West Yellowstone.

We will hike from Cave Falls to Bechler Falls, following first the Fall River and then the Bechler River, passing the confluence of the two rivers. We’ll walk up to Cave Falls before taking the trail to Bechler Falls. When we return, we may have a picnic here if we haven’t already had one on the trail. Bechler Falls is the end point of our hike. After making our way alongside the Fall River, we’ll then follow the Bechler River until we reach Bechler Falls. This is where we turn around to go back. We may enjoy a sack lunch here. For more information or to book this activity, click here.

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