Explore parts of Tennessee very few have seen before. Hike and chase waterfalls through some of the most gorgeous country you will ever see! This trip begins and ends at 1153 Fortress Blvd, in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. For more information or to book your trip, click here.

Machine Falls is approximately one hour and 15 minutes from Downtown Nashville in a natural area where an easy to moderate ~2.4 mile loop trail in the woods and across water covered rocks will lead you to a beautiful waterfall.

On average, the guided hike (not including time spent at the waterfall) takes about 1 hour 15 minutes to complete, depending on each individual’s athletic ability. The tour takes between two and four hours and costs$45.00.

At a minimum, YOUR FEET WILL GET WET so be prepared for such! We will cross over various sized rocks in water leading to the waterfall, so it can also get slippery.  For more information or to book your trip, click here.

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