Wildcat Falls
Wildcat Falls is located behind the Pine Creek Grist Mill, at Wildcat Den State Park. It’s only a short walk from the parking lot, but the view is breathtaking! This section of the park is one of the most photographed locations in the state. A popular destination for prom and engagement photos. From Highway 22 turn North on Wildcat Den Road, follow road for 1 mile to the park entrance. 1884 Wildcat Den Road, Muscatine.
Dunnings Springs Falls
The waterfall is located in Dunnings Spring Park in Decorah, just a quarter mile up stream from the famous Ice Cave. This gorgeous 200 foot waterfall is just a short walk from the Upper Iowa River. This a popular place for weddings, picnics, and hiking. The Falls is open year round from 6 AM- 9 PM. The park is located on Ice Cave Road.
Bridal Veil Falls
Located in Pikes Peak State Park is the famed Bridal Veil Falls, Most visitors to the park stop by to enjoy the view atop the 500 foot bluffs, over looking the Mississippi River Valley. But just around the corner is a short boardwalk staircase hike to the falls. After a hard rain, the falls is a stunning sight. You can even walk behind the falls and cool off on a hot summer day. Bridal Veil Falls is located at 32264 Pikes Peak Road, in McGregor.
Union Grove Falls

Photo Courtesy Iowa DNR
The 110 acre lake is a huge attraction at the park, but hidden nestled in the woods is a beautiful waterfall and dam. This waterfall is very dependent on water flow. For best results, visit after a heavy rainfall. Located at 1217 220th street in Gladbrook.
Lake MacBride Falls

Slew City Photography
This waterfall is located between Lake Macbride and the Coralville Reservoir in Solon. There is also a beach, campground, and hiking trails found around the lake. The waterfall is just a short walk from the parking lot, and is a perfect place to visit on a warm summer day.